Tuesday, February 24, 2004

okay so I've several ideas I'm throwing around for a theme party for a college graduate-to-be...the major is criminal justice and here are the ideas:
1. Spinoff of a tvdrama/series - law&order, or CSI- crime scene investigation - invites can mirror the branding of the tv shows and table favors or centerpieces can be spyware ala CSI or law stuffs...
2. Murder Mystery Dinner - have an improv group provide the entertainment and the guest of honor and guests try to solve the crime.
3. Superhero - every guy's got his favorite superhero - so dig a little and find out who - then theme the party around that Superguy, Xman, or webslinger....

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

So how is it possible that through the peak party season - I post not even one celebration? craziness! what is a party girl like me to do?

here's some surefire ways to destress during the holidays to keep up with the pace:
1. Make lists of what to do. - they help to fuel a sense of accomplishment as you complete tasks and help to keep things in check and organized to minimize forgetting stuff which equals STRESS.
2. Gift yourself - whilst shopping for items for your holiday entertaining or holiday gifts - be sure to reward yourself as well. sometimes your best holiday present will be the one you got for yourself. now isn't that swell?
3. get Help! if you need it get it - ask a girlfriend or mom or aunt to help you with some preparations for that holiday gathering - the companionship on the shopping trip or in the kitchen preparing will be a great time of bonding and support.
4. Stay connected. - sometimes during the stress of all the things that need to be done - we have a tendency of going into auto-pilot. Don't! Keep connected to reality and the things that really matter - spending quality time with friends and family during the holiday. Take that 5-10 minutes and talk to a close friend or your long-distance relatives - they will be uplifted and so will you.
5. Take a Break - when push comes to shove - sometimes something has just got to give - maybe it's removing one thing from your regular routine or taking a little break from a hobby. For me it was this blog. sad to say - but a reality - next season - we'll see what we can do to stay on top of it.

So you ask - what was so crazy with your holidays? Well - I worked right up to Christmas Eve - had a celebration to attend that night - then Christmas Day to relax sort of - then take off to Vegas till just before new year's eve when we returned and it was back to being the hostess for our annual New Year's Eve bash. A few days later an annual gathering of some of my closest high school friends and then well back to the grind.

But things are at a fever-pace. Why?

Well on December 25th, 2003 - I became a "bride to be". And yes - the plans are in the works for the party of a lifetime...watch for more on this as the planning starts to take shape.